Saturday, July 17, 2010

A ring in a water bottle!

So I've known Officer Parham since I was in elementary school! He was our security officer. I was a talkative one and used to talk to him all the time! Probably annoyed him, haha. The last time I saw him was at a middle school dance. Years went by and then he pulled me over for speeding one day. Whoops! I added him on facebook and we got together for this engagement shoot with his beautiful fiance! She and I went to Greenbrier High School together :) Matt and Catie go running at Savannah Rapids together. He told her he needed to get a run in and after a few minutes of trying to convince her, they went. He put her ring in his water bottle tied to a piece of floss. She told him she was tired and he told her he hoped she wouldn't be too tired to marry him! Aww. Then he proposed. The pictures of him putting the ring on is where he actually proposed to her. Congrats to the two of you and may you have a beautiful life together :) Hopefully the next time I see them, I wont be getting pulled over :)